Internal communication, key to the organizational development of companies in the Ecuadorian manufacturing industry sector

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Dra. Mónica Llanos Encalada
Srta. Germania Tomalá Fuentes



Having effective communication between the different levels of the organization, as well as between departments, allows for greater coordination and better decision making. Efficient internal communication improves the motivation and commitment of collaborators, achieving growth in productivity and quality of work. On the contrary, poor communication leads to misunderstandings, lack of coordination and internal conflicts, with a negative impact on organizations. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of internal communication on the organizational development of industrial companies with manufacturing activity in the Durán Canton - Ecuador. Therefore, the study is descriptive correlational, with a mixed approach. Through the survey and interview, it was possible to determine among the main findings, internal communication problems between employees and their immediate bosses, which affects the development plans of the organization since there is an absence of effective communication policies and practices. . It is concluded that the development of communication skills is essential to achieve teamwork, increase production levels and achieve the development of the organization together with collaborators.

Keywords: communication and development, organizational development, labor relations.

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How to Cite
Llanos Encalada, M., & Tomalá, G. (2024). Internal communication, key to the organizational development of companies in the Ecuadorian manufacturing industry sector. Revista Sapientia Technological, 5(2), 1–11.


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