Factors Influencing Perceptions of Import Service in Courier Companies
Main Article Content
The objective of this article is to identify the key factors that influence the perception of quality of international courier services in Ecuador. This topic is relevant due to the growing importance of efficient logistics in international trade. The methodology used was qualitative, using a survey applied to 146 users of courier services in the city of Machala. The survey, based on a 5-point Likert scale, evaluated 18 factors related to service quality. These factors were previously identified through a rigorous review of studies carried out by various experts and researchers, where each of these factors was analyzed. Independently, these studies had a segmented approach; however, integrating them provides a more complete view of the key elements that determine service quality, thus providing a basis for evaluating and improving quality in the courier sector. The main results revealed that service credibility (95.21%), efficient cargo handling (94.66%) and customer support (93.97%) are the factors most valued by users. These factors are critical for customer satisfaction and the competitiveness of courier companies in the Ecuadorian market. In conclusion, the study highlights the need for courier companies to focus their efforts on improving credibility, cargo management and customer support to meet user expectations and strengthen their position in the market. These findings provide a solid foundation for future research and business strategies in the logistics sector.
Keywords: services, quality, supply, importation, company.
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