Relationship between double taxation and accounting ethics: Two sides of a dilemma

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Elizabeth Carmen Arias Domínguez
Katherin Jordana Jaramillo Manzano
Omar Andrés Vega Rodríguez


Abstract: This research is carried out in order to study the relationship between tax evasion and the accounting ethics of Ecuadorian accountants. Accounting has developed as an essential profession, so it is not possible to carry it out without rules and laws that regulate the private and public sectors; However, these are usually not sufficient against the irregularities that occur in cases of tax fraud that have led to the application of rigorous regulations that they do not harm society with these evasions. The aim is to analyze how frequent this scenario is for Ecuadorian accountants with a qualitative, documentary and field research applied to a sample of two hundred accountants, studying the responses obtained by each of them. 54% of respondents are female, more than 36% agree that accountants receive good training for jobs, 48% agree with the COIP on sanctions for crimes of circumvention that promote the integrity of their responsibilities, however, more than 38.5% have had experiences related to ethical dilemmas. In Ecuador, reforms have been applied to the tax laws so that taxpayers declare their taxes, despite this, the dilemmas remain present because of the corruption of management positions.

Keywords: evasion, ethics, training, taxes, accounting.

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How to Cite
Arias Domínguez, E. C., Jaramillo Manzano, K. J. ., & Vega Rodríguez, O. A. (2025). Relationship between double taxation and accounting ethics: Two sides of a dilemma. Revista Sapientia Technological, 6(1), 28–40.


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