Proposal of a methodological structure as a comprehensive and detailed guide for the design of tourist routes.

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Aureliano del Toro Cabrera



The article entitled Methodological structure for the design of a tourist route proposed the development of a comprehensive guide for creating tourist routes, focusing on aspects such as cultural authenticity, sustainability and accessibility. The overall objective was to design a methodological structure to serve as a tool for tourism planners to develop attractive and functional routes in local destinations.The study was approached through a qualitative approach, with an exploratory scope and using grounded theory as a methodological framework, allowing the construction of emerging patterns based on semi-structured interviews with key actors in the design of tourist routes. In the analysis of the information, through open coding, categories related to essential stages and factors in the design of routes were identified. To ensure the validity of the results, data triangulation and theoretical saturation strategies were used. The research complied with ethical principles of confidentiality and informed consent of the participants. The results provided a methodological model that can be replicated and adapted to different tourism planning contexts, providing a concrete tool for the design of routes in local destinations and enriching the tourism experience through a structured approach.

Keywords: tourist routes, sustainable development, tourist management, tourist resources.

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How to Cite
del Toro Cabrera, A. (2025). Proposal of a methodological structure as a comprehensive and detailed guide for the design of tourist routes. Revista Sapientia Technological, 6(1), 96–112.


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