Overview of the Link with Society at the Almirante Illingworth Higher Technological Institute with University status.
Main Article Content
Community services in higher education institutions focus on growing the skills and capabilities of diverse vulnerable groups in highly competitive social contexts, often lacking adequate resources. This study used a documentary methodology to analyze the need for programs and projects aimed at strengthening community services, as well as the importance of having the corresponding documentation and procedures. This approach represents the fundamental objective of our research. In the results and discussion section, the programs and projects that are mentioned as a result of a specific study carried out in the different academic areas of the institution are presented. The author conducts a detailed qualitative analysis of the processes and procedures implemented by the liaison unit in these areas. Consequently, it is demonstrated that the structured management of the relationship with the community is complemented by the activities carried out by the students.
Keywords: higher education, linkage, community services, linkage programs and projects.
Community services in higher education institutions focus on growing the skills and capabilities of diverse vulnerable groups in highly competitive social contexts, often lacking adequate resources. This study used a documentary methodology to analyze the need for programs and projects aimed at strengthening community services, as well as the importance of having the corresponding documentation and procedures. This approach represents the fundamental objective of our research. In the results and discussion section, the programs and projects that are mentioned as a result of a specific study carried out in the different academic areas of the institution are presented. The author conducts a detailed qualitative analysis of the processes and procedures implemented by the liaison unit in these areas. Consequently, it is demonstrated that the structured management of the relationship with the community is complemented by the activities carried out by the students.
Keywords: higher education, linkage, community services, linkage programs and projects.
Article Details
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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