Sustainable Development and Competitiveness: The Impact of Organic Certification on the Export of Small-scale Agricultural Products in Ecuador

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Mgtr. Mónica Molina Barzola



The objective of this research is to understand how organic certification impacts the sustainable development of the export sector and its impact on small organic producers in Ecuador, exploring topics such as competitiveness, access to international markets, quality of life of farmers and the sustainability strategies implemented in this specific context. This research focuses on the influence of organic certification on exports of small-scale agricultural products in Ecuador, from the perspective of sustainable development and competitiveness. Organic certification is identified as an essential and complementary component for international trade, helping the country to compete under equal conditions and fair opportunities. This analysis seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the strategic relevance of organic certification in the context of agricultural exports, generating benefits for all parties involved and promoting sustainable and equitable development in the industry. A qualitative methodological design was applied, while data collection was carried out through interviews with different key actors in the agricultural sector. One of the main conclusions of this research was that certified organic production stands as a fundamental pillar to achieve food security and promote sustainable agricultural practices in Ecuador.

Keywords: sustainable development, food security, international trade, agricultural production.

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How to Cite
Molina, M. (2024). Sustainable Development and Competitiveness: The Impact of Organic Certification on the Export of Small-scale Agricultural Products in Ecuador . Revista Sapientia Technological, 5(2), 26–32.


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