Dear readers, researchers and academics, It is a pleasure to present to you Volume 4 Number 2 of Sapientia Technological Magazine, a publication dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of high-quality scientific research. In this year 2023, we remain committed to our objective of providing a space for the dissemination of significant advances and innovative knowledge in the different areas of administration and social sciences. This issue is accompanied by great news for all of us who make up the magazine's editorial team, since Sapientia Technological is currently part of the Latindex 2.0 Catalog. Our editorial team, along with the support of expert reviewers in the fields of administration, management, accounting, and social sciences, have worked hard to select and rigorously evaluate the articles featured in this volume. Each article has been subjected to a peer review process, thus ensuring the quality and relevance of the content we present. In this volume, readers will find a variety of articles that address various aspects of administration, gender equality, innovation, and technological advances. From theoretical research to empirical studies, each article contributes to the body of knowledge in different areas and reflects the dedication of researchers nationally and internationally. We wish to express our gratitude to all the authors who have trusted our editorial team to share their research and findings. We also thank the reviewers for their commitment and contribution in the evaluation of the articles, helping to maintain the high academic standards of our journal. We invite all those interested to explore the contents of this volume and to participate in the academic dialogue that we promote. We firmly believe that collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for the advancement of science and society as a whole. We hope that you will find in these pages inspiration, knowledge and new perspectives that will contribute to the enrichment of your own research and academic trajectories. We are waiting for you in the next Volume! Sincerely, MSc. Rolando Alvarez Beltran Director mtr. Jennifer Castillo Ortiz Editor in Chief


Published: 2023-09-08

Smes in Guayaquil and their visualization of stock market leverage

MSc. Alberto Jacinto Paredes Ochoa, MSc. Ítalo Omar Martillo Pazmiño, MSc. Marjorie Ordoñez Guartazaca
