Peer Review Process

The articles received by the Scientific Journal Sapientia Technological are subject to

evaluation by external, national and international academic peers, experts in the topics

and under the modality of blind peers.

Phases of the peer review process

  1. Submission of the manuscript: The author(s) send their manuscript to the journal through

the platform for review and possible publication for which they must be registered on the

platform: rst  The manuscript must

comply with the format declared in the author guidelines.

  1. Preliminary editorial evaluation: The journal editor or associate editor reviews the

manuscript to ensure that it meets the journal's guidelines in terms of format, approach,

and overall quality. At this stage, some manuscripts may be rejected before peer review.

This process takes approximately 15 days. If accepted, continue with paragraph 3.

  1. Selection of reviewers: The editor chooses from the database of reviewers, experts in the

field of the manuscript to carry out the review. The peer reviewers will be academics or

researchers, national or/and international, who have relevant experience on the topic of

the manuscript.

  1. Peer review: The works that are accepted in the first stage begin the evaluation by

experts through the process of blind pairs, that is, both the authors of the work and the

reviewers do not know each other's identities. This is done to reduce bias and ensure that

the work is evaluated solely based on its content and merit, rather than based on the

reputation or status of the authors. The reviewers evaluate the manuscript in detail.

They check the methodology, the validity of the results, the originality, the relevance,

the clarity of the text and other aspects. Reviewers provide comments and suggestions to

improve the manuscript or recommend rejection if it does not meet quality standards. This

step may take up to 30 days. All reviewers must fill out the following summary form of the

review carried out:

  1. Communication of results: The reviewers send their reports to the editor with their

recommendations and additionally issue one of the following opinions: "publishable without

modifications", "publishable with modifications" and "Not publishable".

  1. Editorial decision: Based on the reviewers' comments, the editor makes a decision on acceptance, further revision or rejection of the work.
  2. Request for modifications: In the event that the editorial decision is "publishable with modifications", the editor makes a compendium of his observations and the reviewers' observations and sends them to the author so that he can make the necessary modifications. The author will have approximately 21 days to make the modifications.
  3. Feedback from the authors: The author makes the necessary modifications and improvements in the manuscript according to the suggestions of the reviewers and the editor and resubmits the modified work through the journal platform.
  4. Second Peer Review: The editor receives the manuscript corrected by the author and sends it for a second peer review. The approximate time of this process is 7 days.
  5. Second review communication: Reviewers verify that the changes and improvements suggested in the first round of review have been made. They then issue their final decision on the acceptance of the article. This process can take up to 15 days.
  6. Acceptance: The editor makes a final revision of the article considering the suggestions of the second peer review and makes a final editorial decision. In this step the article can be accepted for publication or rejected. If accepted, acceptance letters will be sent to the authors and continue with step 12.
  7. Editing and Publication: The article will be sent to production where it will go through editing, style and format processes to later be published.