Educaplay: A Design for the Improvement of Natural Science Learning in 10th Year
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The objective of this communication seeks to investigate the impact of the Educaplay platform on the academic performance and motivation of tenth grade students in the subject of Natural Sciences, specifically in the contents of Biology and Chemistry Through the implementation of a mixed approach, which includes the collection of quantitative data through surveys and qualitative data through interviews and classroom observations, it was evaluated how the activities designed in Educaplay favor the understanding of key concepts and encourage the active participation of students. The results, obtained from the analysis of the instruments applied, reveal that the use of this educational platform improves academic performance, but also increases students' motivation and commitment to the learning process. It was possible to identify best practices for the effective integration of Educaplay into the tenth-grade curriculum, highlighting the importance of student-centered design, gamification, and continuous feedback to maximize educational outcomes. This study establishes an important basis for future research that seeks to optimize the use of educational technologies in secondary education.
Keywords: educaplay, teaching-learning, gamification, educational technology.
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