Internationalization strategies to strengthen entrepreneurship in Ecuador Emprendimiento

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María Fernanda Baquero Zúñiga
Edgar David Baquero Zuñiga


This research seeks to show that Ecuador is one of the countries with the most entrepreneurs in the world and that they constitute a fundamental pillar for the Ecuadorian economy.

For its part, internationalization and the opportunities that globalization offers in this regard is a determining factor for achieving sustained growth in the business field.

In this context, it is a necessity to propose strategies that allow enterprises to find opportunities in international markets that, when properly executed, will allow them to grow in the long term and generate direct and indirect opportunities for those involved in international activities.

Throughout this document, emphasis is precisely placed on those elements that entrepreneurs should consider so that their exports are carried out effectively, among which we have: definition of export potential, international negotiation and search for international buyers, customs management, detailed price analysis, international logistics management, analysis of current trade agreements in the country and use of special customs regimes.

Thus, those entrepreneurs who want to enter the world of foreign trade or who are already in it and want to improve their opportunities, through the following analysis will be able to identify key aspects that allow them to achieve that objective.

Keywords: internationalization; entrepreneurship; Ecuador; exports.

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How to Cite
Baquero Zúñiga, M. F., & Baquero Zuñiga, E. D. (2023). Internationalization strategies to strengthen entrepreneurship in Ecuador: Emprendimiento . Revista Sapientia Technological, 3(2), 14. (Original work published December 28, 2022)


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