Characterization of biomechanical risk in workers of the administrative area of a higher education institution in the colombian caribbean

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Darinka Shayaka Romero Gazabón
MSc. Edgar Lugo Calderón
MSc. Angelica García Moreno


The ergonomic risk identification will allow the organization to detect risk factors in the workplace, the presence of this risk indicates the result of chronic and acute injuries that lead to the emergence of occupational diseases among workers. It is for this reason that through this research is to identify and characterize the factor ergonomic risk in the administrative area of the Technological University of Bolivar to recommend good practice for occupational health and safety considering improving the implementation of the guidelines issued by OSHA 18001 2007. It was used as tools for data collection, direct observation, unstructured interview and survey closed a population, questions that yielded demographic variables characterization concerning risk factor investigated, which yielded results that helped analyze and draw conclusions with respect to ergonomic risk working conditions. As a result of exposure to repetitive motion in fingers and hands, which 4  for this cause work disability were generated by the presence of symptoms that could lead to the occurrence of injuries and illnesses, among the most presented is the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is highlighted.

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How to Cite
Romero Gazabón, D. S. ., Lugo Calderón, E. ., & García Moreno, A. (2023). Characterization of biomechanical risk in workers of the administrative area of a higher education institution in the colombian caribbean. Revista Sapientia Technological, 4(1).