Proposal oriented to reduce the high rotation rate of the personnel working in the municipality of isidro ayora, for the development of communication and interrelation strategies and motivational programs.

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Rubén Darío Ruiz Andaluz
Juan José Piguave Balladares


The objective of the present work was based on designing a work proposal aimed at reducing the high rate of staff turnover. It is known as personnel rotation to the process by which a company changes or replaces its employees, generating movements of departure or entry of one or multiple employees not due to natural processes such as retirement. It is generally linked to dismissal or resignation processes by employees, although on occasions it can include the change of functions and position without the employee in question ending their relationship with the organization.

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How to Cite
Ruiz Andaluz, R. D., & Piguave Balladares, J. J. (2021). Proposal oriented to reduce the high rotation rate of the personnel working in the municipality of isidro ayora, for the development of communication and interrelation strategies and motivational programs. Revista Sapientia Technological, 2(1), 17. Retrieved from