The Podcast content management, as a proposal for the dissemination of Ecuadorian intangible cultural heritage Podcast content management
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Content management in digital media has become the strategic way for the socialization of innovative ideas, content and the search for community creation. Thus, the intangible cultural heritage of Ecuador needs the communities to participate through social contact, as well as the oral dissemination that traditions and ancestral knowledge need to be disseminated from generation to generation, which has become the main problem for the development of the towns. In the present investigation, the Podcast is presented as an ideal tool for the dissemination of ancestral knowledge among the communities of Ecuador, since it presents an ease of learning both for the sender of the messages and for the listening community, through the descriptive study. and exploratory present in the investigation, it was sought to demonstrate the advantages of the tool, as well as through the analytical - synthetic method and through the instruments used in the mixed type investigation, the feasibility of the podcast is shown and how it would favor the dissemination of the intangible cultural heritage of Ecuador.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, podcast, intangible cultural heritage, digital tools, digital ecosystems
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