Practical experience of the university-company link in the San Luis Municipality

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Misael Leyva Ríos
Ing. Juan Carlos Marín Arias
Ing. Elsy María Rivero González


The present investigation revolves around the university-company link that is developed in the entities and institutions of the territory, this, for the execution of specific tasks that allow the development of various activities that contribute to the comprehensive training of the engineering professional, in addition to guaranteeing the agri-food sustainability from the application of scientific knowledge, creativity and innovation, from their own training in the blended model and from the practices of the curriculum subjects. Several experiences have been developed where managers, specialists, teachers, students, engineers, production technicians and project advisors from CUM and the Agroforestry Company have participated, which has made it possible to have greater visibility in the CUM-Company relationship, which is the proposal which is presented as a result in this work. The shortcomings in this relationship have been, one of the resistance to the effective and efficient development of the training process of university professionals at work and the non-intentionality of both institutions to carry out social development and its main cause has been the character empirical study of its conception in agro-productive processes. The present investigation implements a methodology with a qualitative approach, theoretical methods are implemented that allow an analysis of the bibliographic sources to systematize the essential terms, as well as review the regulations to clarify the intention of the authors. Empirical methods are implemented that allow observing the problem and proposing solution actions. Among the expected results is providing actions that guarantee and contribute to giving scientific support to the university-company relationship, actions necessary to guarantee the link with society and that future professionals from different levels of training can enter the field. professional and contribute with their scientific and practical knowledge.

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How to Cite
Leyva Ríos, M. ., Marín Arias, J. C. ., & Rivero González, E. M. . (2023). Practical experience of the university-company link in the San Luis Municipality. Revista Sapientia Technological, 4(1). (Original work published June 9, 2023)


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