Nanotechnology: A reflection of its implications in sport.

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Dr.C. Armenio Pérez López
MSc. Magda Rodríguez Castillo


The importance of science and technology in socioeconomic development is an unquestionable fact. The application of nanotechnology in sport offers many benefits, however, it also carries ethical risks. The objective of this article is to reflect, based on the documentary analysis of different scientific publications, on the use of nanotechnology in sports so that they are known and can be used by different professionals in this branch and by the population in general. The research can be classified as qualitative, basic, documentary and descriptive; using the SALSA analytical framework and the deductive and analytical-synthetic methods. The results point to the role of nanotechnology in health, nutrition and development of sports equipment. The conclusions recognize that nanotechnology has wide application potential and is currently a developing science, which dominates in fields such as energy storage, medical applications, the automotive and cosmetics industry, sports and the food industry.

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How to Cite
Pérez López, A., & Rodríguez Castillo, M. (2023). Nanotechnology: A reflection of its implications in sport. Revista Sapientia Technological, 4(2), 26–36.


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