With this first issue we start the Sapienthia Technological Magazine, which will be published in a digital version, every six months.

In this first number five articles have been included that include a varied theme on aspects of great interest and current affairs. The first work deals with qualitative research in the social sciences, with a bibliographical review and an analysis that makes it possible to promote this type of research in key fields of knowledge to respond to the problems of growth and development that our societies face.

The second work explores the incidence of temperament in the functions of supervisory leaders. With a case analysis, the research carried out by the authors allows us to identify, know and understand the type of temperament of the participant, his functions, the type of leadership, and the mechanisms he uses to channel his temperament in the development of his functions as a leader.

The third work deals with the issue of decent work, from the perspective of Ecuadorian women, it presents part of the history of women and the obtaining of labor rights and the regulations given in the laws of Ecuador, allowing a better understanding of the gaps that exist for being able to access a decent job and the long way to go to reconcile internal and external work.

  The fourth work delves into the theme of happiness as a potential strategy in Higher Education institutions and particularly in self-financed higher education technology from a cycle that includes the promoters, the institutional management, the clients, the institution itself. and its relationship with planning and institutional control.

And finally, the fifth paper analyzes the logistics platforms in trade corridors, through the identification of time trends according to Cross-Border Trade Indicators, documentary analysis of Public Trade Facilitation Policy, and optimization criteria. of processes.


Published: 2020-07-15